1. Always return back lessons that have been obtained. Then read the short two-page material for the next search kerangkanya only. Once these lessons are teacher esoknya, you already have a picture or basically, live add that not only what you know. So the home school, you just repeat the course for the conclusion or summary.
2. Always try to listen to the concentration of full-time tuition at the school. Content that you hear will more easily be called back so you menghapal lessons.
3. Try to type the note back to the lessons in the computer. Logikanya, with re-entry means the type is the same with the re-read the lesson that you can just out of school. Materials that can be repeated before the memory stored in the brain for a long period of time. Better what you want to read or re-learn after the typewritten notes. Susah lupanya.
4. Another way is to re-read the lesson notes and then make a conclusion with the word-katamu itself. To be able terpatri long in the memory, before you write the conclusion in the paper secarik small seukuran card. Cards are effective to repeat a while and read a short leisure.
5. Always use a different note books on each subject. This was seen more regularly at the time, so you want to repeat a lesson we do not need to have to open all the books.
6. Repeat the lesson does not necessarily need to read or write. Teach another friend about the new materials that can be repeated always makes you remember akan materials. Good again, you become more familiar akan materials.
7. Study of sudden the test is not effective. At least a month before a retrial is the ideal time for repeat studies. The material is not a lot of problems. To do: always make a summary or conclusion on any subject, if need to use a table or a picture that illustrated easy to remember.
8. There are some friends who like to study in the afternoon. His body is still fresh enough after sleeping at night, so the spirit is still high. Good condition did not chase them as wasted time. Morning their full concentration on the lesson in class and concentration siangnya to repeat again. Night, only they use to do light activities or homework. So there is never a word begadang. May also tuh!
9. If the tired body, will make the difficult konsentrasinya. Some friends recommend for holiday's first sporting event or other physical activities a day before the test results public.
10. Learn while listening to music is cool. Select a quiet but music arouse. Classical music what kind of Beethoven Mozart can try. This type of music suitable for the accompany you during the task that the response is certain, kayaking mathematics, natural sciences or foreign languages. Guaranteed to learn the spirit will always contain a full and spirit.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Mutual funds, the alternative INVESTMENTsmall capitalist
The growth of offshore mutual funds phenomenon, before deciding to bereksadanaria, prospective investors should know yourself. Is he including risk Taker (dare bear risk), neutral, or conservative. Introduction of this product closely related to mutual funds that will be purchased. So far, investors are still the dominant type of conservative with the number of product fixed income mutual funds. This is closely related to the risk factor is relatively small. "Sejelek-jeleknya performance, still have a coupon interest rate," so about their deception.
In selecting mutual funds, to advise Frida. "Preview the company profile. The credibility and experience of managers and investment company." Other considerations that need to be taken is the credibility and bonafiditas supporting institutions. Behavior of investment managers in achieving the target should be. What will play a dynamic or conservative? Before sign the contract, should understand what is true in the prospectus provided. Do not be ashamed to ask for transparency and attention to very-thought-of in this investment. As investors, you can ask how nab today. If in stock, if you have a small capital, can be terabaikan.
Be careful with the ads that show the mutual fund charts. Information that seems to be sweet. In fact a lot of information behind the bitter also need to know. Rubric of consultation in Tabloid Kontan upbringing Hasan Zein Mahmud revealed, many questions about mutual funds associated with the ads in print media.
If you have understood correctly Lika meander behind mutual funds, so-so and then plan to buy it. How very easy. Condition is not long-winded; have the money, identity cards, and bank accounts in the bank. You live to come to investment managers or agents, to request a form, and send some money as a sign to purchase a bank account number kustodian. Evidence the transfer, the form has been filled, and a photocopy of identity and then be submitted to the investment manager. You also hold a number of UP and stay waiting berbiaknya funds. Next you will receive a progress report on mutual funds and other relevant information. To reduce the risk, sebarlah funds in several mutual funds.
Apart from all the lack of current, if it is managed by the experts and experienced professionals, mutual funds are an interesting alternative investment. In mutual funds, together with a small capital with other small capital to be so big. Thus the distribution of investment can be very wide, so that if the review of the risk bearing the risk and avoiding the spread of risk can be done.
Well, a small but beautiful in fact can reduce the risks and benefits also ...!
In selecting mutual funds, to advise Frida. "Preview the company profile. The credibility and experience of managers and investment company." Other considerations that need to be taken is the credibility and bonafiditas supporting institutions. Behavior of investment managers in achieving the target should be. What will play a dynamic or conservative? Before sign the contract, should understand what is true in the prospectus provided. Do not be ashamed to ask for transparency and attention to very-thought-of in this investment. As investors, you can ask how nab today. If in stock, if you have a small capital, can be terabaikan.
Be careful with the ads that show the mutual fund charts. Information that seems to be sweet. In fact a lot of information behind the bitter also need to know. Rubric of consultation in Tabloid Kontan upbringing Hasan Zein Mahmud revealed, many questions about mutual funds associated with the ads in print media.
If you have understood correctly Lika meander behind mutual funds, so-so and then plan to buy it. How very easy. Condition is not long-winded; have the money, identity cards, and bank accounts in the bank. You live to come to investment managers or agents, to request a form, and send some money as a sign to purchase a bank account number kustodian. Evidence the transfer, the form has been filled, and a photocopy of identity and then be submitted to the investment manager. You also hold a number of UP and stay waiting berbiaknya funds. Next you will receive a progress report on mutual funds and other relevant information. To reduce the risk, sebarlah funds in several mutual funds.
Apart from all the lack of current, if it is managed by the experts and experienced professionals, mutual funds are an interesting alternative investment. In mutual funds, together with a small capital with other small capital to be so big. Thus the distribution of investment can be very wide, so that if the review of the risk bearing the risk and avoiding the spread of risk can be done.
Well, a small but beautiful in fact can reduce the risks and benefits also ...!
Prospect mutual funds
Indonesia does not in fact the market had lost potential. Imagine a huge market (216 million population) with the patterns and habits of consumption. Take only 10% (do not compare with 35% of Malaysia) as a prospective consumer with the average flat subscription ^ 1 million rupiah. From there the funds collected can only Rp 21.6 trillion, accounting for approximately 10% of the 1998/1999 Budget year. But without awareness especially product knowledge sufficient potential simply sheer numbers without meaning. Siilah on the importance of education for the public. This responsibility should not only diemban by Pemenntah but also by all the parties concerned. Moreover pemenntah senngkali, more inclined to run political interest in public policy rather than policy. For the Investment Manager, it's good to be part of the income market education. Give the hook may not fish in your pond will be in the country uncle Sam, the school becomes an agent in introducing strategic Rekasa fund for children and adolescents. Never too early, according to the manager for Mutual Funds target market, because the purpose of investment is not simply their own long term but very long term. Indeed, the indicator of profit growth and security factors, it is not difficult to convince parents in selecting Mutual Fund as the future of their children's future 5, 10 even 20 years later. Only a few Mutual Funds that are among the Young First Timer as Legg Masson Value Trust or Harbor Capital Appreciation (. Mutual Fund Magazine, September 1998, under the header "Your First Fund"). In some European countries even anak-anak/remaja have bargaining to select companies that share their passion. For example, in the Netherlands, Robecco Young Dinamic Group publishes Fund. Mutual funds include stock-stock company, known as teenagers Nike, Nintendo and Tamagochi.
Therefore, brisk enough to hear the capital market authorities are menggodok curriculum specific to the capital market SMU students. From there, it is expected that the knowledge of the capital market and Mutual Funds from the student can terdongkrak.
Back in the Risk Return (unbalanced Results), which Retrieved
Before the Mutual Funds have the capitalist always advisable to read the prospectus. Termuat there has any information about such risk is the risk of lopsided results berfluktuasinya
RD and market risks that affect the portfolio. But seems not so easy for investors to translate the risk. While many in the academic literature that the model has been developed, among others, by William Sharpe and Jack Treynor L (see "Can Mutual Fund Outguess the Market", Harvard Business Review, July-August 1966), which was then known as the ratio / Sharpe ratio and Treynor .
Ratio is simply explain that the results must be unbalanced with the risk. The greater the ratio of lopsided results and risks, the better the performance of Mutual funds. Represented by Imbalhasil (return performance); the risk of fluctuations obtained with the calculate the standard deviation, while the market risk represented by beta. As illustrasi, two RD "A" and "B", each have a lopsided result on average per year 20% and 25% and the average monthly standard deviation is 10% and 20%. Direct result of lopsided RD "B" more interesting, but if you consider the risk factors is RD "A" is better (and 2 ratio 1.25). With a calculator or Microsoft Excel we can also easily calculated. The risk is what should be the duty manager for the Investment menginformasikannya to investors or at least is right for investors to find out. Sebagaicontoh, if information visit the international Mutual Funds loaded Bloomberg, RD always seem that lopsided results show that while the risk is related transaparan, both beta and the Sharpe ratio.
Journalists also need to memuatnya as public consumption, to describe a full profile Mutual Funds that have been outstanding so far. only needed a little additional calculation that can tersaji information terebut for the community.
Has published more than 90 Mutual Funds. How can know the quality of the capitalist a Mutual Fund other than that, still quite dark. Mutual Funds report issued every day (in the Bisnis Indonesia daily) are not enough to be a reference. Needs to be done on pemeringkatan idependen RD seperri for example by the Morning-star, the company pemeringkat Mutual Funds dub themselves "your first second opinion" or Lipper Analytical Services reported that routinely ranked RD International, or what the Pefindo to Obligfisi / Commercial Paper-nting the load is balanced as well as the performance risk of the Mutual Fund bersangkutan.Memang use rating on Mutual Funds are very dependent from the industry speed the development of Mutual Fund itself. Ratings umuk can help investors feel more comfortable with mvestasi they do, get unmk opinion that idependen, unmk decision making and a more well informed and information about the Mutual Fund for the Fund more transparent Manager, ratings can be a trigger for menghasdkan best performance, the credibility and reputation as well as a powerful marketing tool positioned in the Mutual Funds that they manage in the market, let alone independent denganhasil rating of good
Changing the Paradigm in Community Investing
There is a constraint which is critical in the development of Mutual Funds in India, the changing perception of the investing habits on the deposits. Paradigm is marked by the needs of a particular result (investment insurance), the absence of a decline because of the risk tolerance of damage (although still on the trust of the public investment in Mutual Funds from 1998 to 2000. This is the fruit of marketeducation may have been planted since that time. Although saatnyamemedk not all that has and will continue to be planted, not the preferences of the investment community began to see increased RD "unrealized loss") habit and invest short-term (not ebih than one year), and to not have the investment costs will apply in advance (such as Like selling fees). Although the fact may be so now and deposits relatively less attractive, but the paradigm as a deposit of instruments of investment risk-free conditions in the middle of the gonjang-ganjing plus the experience of "nikmatnya" a deposit in 1998 where the public can obtain ringkat tribe interest of more than 50%, making it difficult for people to turn in the other instruments. Isn'T people who are limited knowledgenya product, which they have rahu Mutual Fund and its benefits dankerugiannya is still relatively serious raguu to invest in Mutual Funds.
Developing Spirituality (Trust) Public
Is still a big question mark, but interesting to disimak research reports sebuh leading national magazine on the trust of the public investment in Mutual Funds from 1998 to 2000. This is probably the fruit of the education market that has long been planted. Although not all the time memedk has and will continue to be planted, most tidakpreferensi investment community began to look to the RD meningkatDari the Investment Manager, which in this case berdndak on behalf of investors, RD also positioned itself. Even some of them are optimistic that the RD can be a profitable alternative investment such as a loaded magazine Investor (EdisiJanuari 2000). Although not a "terfavorit" but most do not indicate the existence of RD convincing in Indonesia, and by optimism banyakalah the fate of the fish stock.
Therefore, brisk enough to hear the capital market authorities are menggodok curriculum specific to the capital market SMU students. From there, it is expected that the knowledge of the capital market and Mutual Funds from the student can terdongkrak.
Back in the Risk Return (unbalanced Results), which Retrieved
Before the Mutual Funds have the capitalist always advisable to read the prospectus. Termuat there has any information about such risk is the risk of lopsided results berfluktuasinya
RD and market risks that affect the portfolio. But seems not so easy for investors to translate the risk. While many in the academic literature that the model has been developed, among others, by William Sharpe and Jack Treynor L (see "Can Mutual Fund Outguess the Market", Harvard Business Review, July-August 1966), which was then known as the ratio / Sharpe ratio and Treynor .
Ratio is simply explain that the results must be unbalanced with the risk. The greater the ratio of lopsided results and risks, the better the performance of Mutual funds. Represented by Imbalhasil (return performance); the risk of fluctuations obtained with the calculate the standard deviation, while the market risk represented by beta. As illustrasi, two RD "A" and "B", each have a lopsided result on average per year 20% and 25% and the average monthly standard deviation is 10% and 20%. Direct result of lopsided RD "B" more interesting, but if you consider the risk factors is RD "A" is better (and 2 ratio 1.25). With a calculator or Microsoft Excel we can also easily calculated. The risk is what should be the duty manager for the Investment menginformasikannya to investors or at least is right for investors to find out. Sebagaicontoh, if information visit the international Mutual Funds loaded Bloomberg, RD always seem that lopsided results show that while the risk is related transaparan, both beta and the Sharpe ratio.
Journalists also need to memuatnya as public consumption, to describe a full profile Mutual Funds that have been outstanding so far. only needed a little additional calculation that can tersaji information terebut for the community.
Has published more than 90 Mutual Funds. How can know the quality of the capitalist a Mutual Fund other than that, still quite dark. Mutual Funds report issued every day (in the Bisnis Indonesia daily) are not enough to be a reference. Needs to be done on pemeringkatan idependen RD seperri for example by the Morning-star, the company pemeringkat Mutual Funds dub themselves "your first second opinion" or Lipper Analytical Services reported that routinely ranked RD International, or what the Pefindo to Obligfisi / Commercial Paper-nting the load is balanced as well as the performance risk of the Mutual Fund bersangkutan.Memang use rating on Mutual Funds are very dependent from the industry speed the development of Mutual Fund itself. Ratings umuk can help investors feel more comfortable with mvestasi they do, get unmk opinion that idependen, unmk decision making and a more well informed and information about the Mutual Fund for the Fund more transparent Manager, ratings can be a trigger for menghasdkan best performance, the credibility and reputation as well as a powerful marketing tool positioned in the Mutual Funds that they manage in the market, let alone independent denganhasil rating of good
Changing the Paradigm in Community Investing
There is a constraint which is critical in the development of Mutual Funds in India, the changing perception of the investing habits on the deposits. Paradigm is marked by the needs of a particular result (investment insurance), the absence of a decline because of the risk tolerance of damage (although still on the trust of the public investment in Mutual Funds from 1998 to 2000. This is the fruit of marketeducation may have been planted since that time. Although saatnyamemedk not all that has and will continue to be planted, not the preferences of the investment community began to see increased RD "unrealized loss") habit and invest short-term (not ebih than one year), and to not have the investment costs will apply in advance (such as Like selling fees). Although the fact may be so now and deposits relatively less attractive, but the paradigm as a deposit of instruments of investment risk-free conditions in the middle of the gonjang-ganjing plus the experience of "nikmatnya" a deposit in 1998 where the public can obtain ringkat tribe interest of more than 50%, making it difficult for people to turn in the other instruments. Isn'T people who are limited knowledgenya product, which they have rahu Mutual Fund and its benefits dankerugiannya is still relatively serious raguu to invest in Mutual Funds.
Developing Spirituality (Trust) Public
Is still a big question mark, but interesting to disimak research reports sebuh leading national magazine on the trust of the public investment in Mutual Funds from 1998 to 2000. This is probably the fruit of the education market that has long been planted. Although not all the time memedk has and will continue to be planted, most tidakpreferensi investment community began to look to the RD meningkatDari the Investment Manager, which in this case berdndak on behalf of investors, RD also positioned itself. Even some of them are optimistic that the RD can be a profitable alternative investment such as a loaded magazine Investor (EdisiJanuari 2000). Although not a "terfavorit" but most do not indicate the existence of RD convincing in Indonesia, and by optimism banyakalah the fate of the fish stock.
Rich? Depending on Options
In Cashflow quadrant by Robert T. Kiyosaki diagram which is the source of our income. Ie, E for employee (employee); S for the self employed (freelance worker); B for business owner (business owners) and I for investors (investors).
Based on the above diagram Kiyosaki, one can obtain income / earnings in a way to work as employees, working in serabutan own, build your own business, and become investors (investors) in the companies that run other people.
According to Kiyosaki, in principle, each person can earn income from the four quadrant line. Quadrant which will be selected, that does not depend on what we learned in school. Sometimes even for behind. Evident in many examples around us. One of them is businessman Liem Sioe Liong, one of the richest in Indonesia, the only elementary school only. But thousands of employees spread across more than 500 companies that he owned, is a graduate from the best universities. In fact, many business school graduates who are from the United States, Europe and other. Not only Liem Sioe Liong-called ordinary Om Liem-which can be used as example cases. In the environment near many successful we are in quadrant B (Bussiness owner-business owners) is the educational background is not clear.
Therefore, according to Kiyosaki, the success of the income we get overflow from the quadrant that we depend on who select us. That is, we must find out what is indeed a value, strengths, weaknesses and our core interests. After weighing what the value, strengths, weaknesses and core of our interest, then select the quadrant where we as a source of income. Differences in the core of the four things that (the value, strengths, weaknesses and core interest-red.) Or a decline from our fourth quadrant.
Kiyosaki said that anyone can obtain abundant income and work in the fourth quadrant along to do it professionally. Professional work in the sense with a vengeance, not origin-derived.
For example, an elementary school teacher. He taught as a teacher's professional duty in the school place (an E), can also be S (self employee) with a casual work as a teacher in an informal education (eg courses).
At a certain stage, a teacher in elementary school can be a business owner (a B), for example, by opening a shop that employs a number of employees. He can then pay someone to run a professional business store. Thus he became owner of a store without having to participate in work.
The elementary school teachers can choose the business that are far outside the field of expertise. For example, open / agent into the fuel, while he himself still working as teachers. Or in other words, can the E (employee) as well as B (the owner).
At a certain stage, the elementary school teachers have also become a money embed in the credit union, banks, stock exchanges, companies, or other business. Thus, he also became an investor (I).
Working with elementary school principal as a teacher, a teaching institution in the course, the shops have run other people, to become agents of fuel, and infuse money / capital in the credit union, the sources of revenue such as that referred to in its cashflow quadrant Kiyosaki above. Thus, teachers have many sources of money income. And if one fails, then the other will cover the failure.
Kiyosaki make small notes of interest. According to him, words are important "revenue from ...". The most important is not what we do but more on how we earn.
Not difficult to become rich right? Well, why do not you try to start as soon what to do in the elementary school teachers?. Perhaps the financial condition of households you would be far better if you apply Kiyosaki cashflow quadrant above.
Based on the above diagram Kiyosaki, one can obtain income / earnings in a way to work as employees, working in serabutan own, build your own business, and become investors (investors) in the companies that run other people.
According to Kiyosaki, in principle, each person can earn income from the four quadrant line. Quadrant which will be selected, that does not depend on what we learned in school. Sometimes even for behind. Evident in many examples around us. One of them is businessman Liem Sioe Liong, one of the richest in Indonesia, the only elementary school only. But thousands of employees spread across more than 500 companies that he owned, is a graduate from the best universities. In fact, many business school graduates who are from the United States, Europe and other. Not only Liem Sioe Liong-called ordinary Om Liem-which can be used as example cases. In the environment near many successful we are in quadrant B (Bussiness owner-business owners) is the educational background is not clear.
Therefore, according to Kiyosaki, the success of the income we get overflow from the quadrant that we depend on who select us. That is, we must find out what is indeed a value, strengths, weaknesses and our core interests. After weighing what the value, strengths, weaknesses and core of our interest, then select the quadrant where we as a source of income. Differences in the core of the four things that (the value, strengths, weaknesses and core interest-red.) Or a decline from our fourth quadrant.
Kiyosaki said that anyone can obtain abundant income and work in the fourth quadrant along to do it professionally. Professional work in the sense with a vengeance, not origin-derived.
For example, an elementary school teacher. He taught as a teacher's professional duty in the school place (an E), can also be S (self employee) with a casual work as a teacher in an informal education (eg courses).
At a certain stage, a teacher in elementary school can be a business owner (a B), for example, by opening a shop that employs a number of employees. He can then pay someone to run a professional business store. Thus he became owner of a store without having to participate in work.
The elementary school teachers can choose the business that are far outside the field of expertise. For example, open / agent into the fuel, while he himself still working as teachers. Or in other words, can the E (employee) as well as B (the owner).
At a certain stage, the elementary school teachers have also become a money embed in the credit union, banks, stock exchanges, companies, or other business. Thus, he also became an investor (I).
Working with elementary school principal as a teacher, a teaching institution in the course, the shops have run other people, to become agents of fuel, and infuse money / capital in the credit union, the sources of revenue such as that referred to in its cashflow quadrant Kiyosaki above. Thus, teachers have many sources of money income. And if one fails, then the other will cover the failure.
Kiyosaki make small notes of interest. According to him, words are important "revenue from ...". The most important is not what we do but more on how we earn.
Not difficult to become rich right? Well, why do not you try to start as soon what to do in the elementary school teachers?. Perhaps the financial condition of households you would be far better if you apply Kiyosaki cashflow quadrant above.
Globalization opponents colonial New!
The failure of the Conference World Trade Organization (WTO) Cancun in September is also celebrated by civil society and the state-negaradunia third during this persistent against colonial style new style danlembaga-WTO international financial institutions such as IMF and World Bank.
Colonization is one of the big advantages of the developed countries and the world's giant companies. In order to achieve, they are pressing the government and the people that sell out their source (Agrarian and natural resources).
Meanwhile, water, soil, food and health is a right asasimanusia following all the rules that protect the sustainability of kehidupandianggap barriers that must be removed. No wonder the various negaraperampasan local people's access to resources of life continue to occur.
Globalization must be a new colonialism with the globalization of solidarity and resistance with the people.
Colonization is one of the big advantages of the developed countries and the world's giant companies. In order to achieve, they are pressing the government and the people that sell out their source (Agrarian and natural resources).
Meanwhile, water, soil, food and health is a right asasimanusia following all the rules that protect the sustainability of kehidupandianggap barriers that must be removed. No wonder the various negaraperampasan local people's access to resources of life continue to occur.
Globalization must be a new colonialism with the globalization of solidarity and resistance with the people.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sodom and Gomorrah accident
Agroindustry modern birds it has been against nature, while challenging the law of God. That should change, not simply restructuring the division of the lot.
Flu is a disease actually old. There are three types of influenza viruses: type A which can attack humans and animals as well as type B and C can only attack a human. Virus type A is made up of several still subtipe, ie, H (1-15) and N (1-9). AI itself has been detected since 1978 in Italy, but with the new subtipe AI virus H5N1 was first detected in Hong Kong in 1997. Since then, the bird flu becomes similar AIDS, the shock on the poultry business, as well as threaten human life.
When the AI attacks the birds, the virus has not become a worldwide epidemic. Agroindustry poultry ago into the bulk and the world, with the seed (DOC / DOD), feed, growth hormones, antibiotics, and drugs in high doses intensively. This is the main trigger the creation of a new virus subtipe. Especially after the agro-livestock only to the benefits, without thinking about the negative impact caused.
Mad cow outbreak in Britain is also the curse. Madness this virus is only infectious in the sheep, and never become a pandemic. However, the agro-livestock in the UK too greedily. Cut waste from the animal house, especially bone-bone-bone consists sheep, goats, cows, pigs, cattle and other mixed-grinding, and to concentrate. The goal is efficiency. Result, degradation occurred and the genetic transmission of disease. Madness that only the previous infectious sheep to cattle also.
"Nuggets" and sausage bone
In the agro-poultry, especially chicken layer, which will be kept only female DOC. DOC must be male. If DOC is given to the male fish, the impact of negative almost does not exist. However, once again for the sake of efficiency, DOC male entered directly to milling and to the mixed feed. "Cannibalism" among others that this has lead to genetic degradation, and had a role to trigger the creation of AI virus subtipe new.
But it's all not too egregious. Now, consumers seem less charming to see (or suspect) sausage (beef and chicken) nuggets (chicken), and kornet (cows), which is consumed, not from the actual flesh, but waste-rawhide bones. Animal house cutting waste and cutting poultry house waste, to form strong bones, cartilage, marrow, muscle, and a little meat still attached. Severity and separated the bones called MBM or meat and bone meal. This material is a mixture of cattle feed industry, including poultry.
Cartilage, muscle, marrow, meat, and meat and debone called meal (MDM). This is the first product to be a mixture of sausage industry, kornet, and nuggets. Now, the MDM be the main food plant. Especially in the chicken sausage. MDM is actually all poultry chicken waste grinding, because sekeras any chicken bones are very soft for a sausage and nuggets. We never told by Manufacturers Association of processed food meat (National Meat Association Producer = NAMPA), the actual contents of each of MDM and sausage nuggets. Do not-do not have 100 per cent.
Patterns such as cattle industry is already against the law of nature, as well as the law of God. Cattle and sheep herbivora original. In industry they are forced into modern karnivora, even cannibal. Birds eat seeds and sometimes insects and worms. But they did not cannibal. Even the eagle and the raven was never karnivora cannibal. But people have been forced into chickens and ducks cannibal. Moreover, DOC, chickling the new hatch is, must be re-grinding to be eaten by their parent-parent. This is more sadistic than the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Waste from the U.S.
Relatively intelligent people in the U.S. view the "irregularities" on this natural law. In addition to smart, they are rich. That's why they do not eat other parts of chicken, except breast meat. Skin, thigh meat, wing meat, liver, ampela, disantap taboo. Moreover, the head, neck, buttocks, and foot. All that must be removed. U.S. consumer agencies also tight to waste that can not offhand grinding and be feed. Mad cow case in the UK to make the U.S. more cautious people.
Where waste is still worth eating is removed? Of the country to which many residents and weak economy. The main target of the thigh and discard chicken wing is the PRC, India, and Indonesia. MDM results also grinding poultry waste disposed to developing countries and poor countries. For disposal facilities, large cities in developing countries are ready with the fast food restaurants and supermarkets. When levy sausage and chicken nuggets, mothers certainly never imagine, the main product is not flesh, but waste.
In fact the government should begin to strengthen the traditional agro-poultry farm duck as penyeimbang. Institutional livestock of the people is already very strong. Only the capital allocation and other facilities did not specific to them, not because they have a lot of the Combined Company in poultry Indonesia (Gappi). If the breeder ducks that have not even left the bulk government attention, no more chicken terperhatikan again. People should receive disaster resilient in Sodom and Gomorrah modern form of outbreaks of bird flu
Source: Kompas Friday 19 January 2007
F Rahardi
Flu is a disease actually old. There are three types of influenza viruses: type A which can attack humans and animals as well as type B and C can only attack a human. Virus type A is made up of several still subtipe, ie, H (1-15) and N (1-9). AI itself has been detected since 1978 in Italy, but with the new subtipe AI virus H5N1 was first detected in Hong Kong in 1997. Since then, the bird flu becomes similar AIDS, the shock on the poultry business, as well as threaten human life.
When the AI attacks the birds, the virus has not become a worldwide epidemic. Agroindustry poultry ago into the bulk and the world, with the seed (DOC / DOD), feed, growth hormones, antibiotics, and drugs in high doses intensively. This is the main trigger the creation of a new virus subtipe. Especially after the agro-livestock only to the benefits, without thinking about the negative impact caused.
Mad cow outbreak in Britain is also the curse. Madness this virus is only infectious in the sheep, and never become a pandemic. However, the agro-livestock in the UK too greedily. Cut waste from the animal house, especially bone-bone-bone consists sheep, goats, cows, pigs, cattle and other mixed-grinding, and to concentrate. The goal is efficiency. Result, degradation occurred and the genetic transmission of disease. Madness that only the previous infectious sheep to cattle also.
"Nuggets" and sausage bone
In the agro-poultry, especially chicken layer, which will be kept only female DOC. DOC must be male. If DOC is given to the male fish, the impact of negative almost does not exist. However, once again for the sake of efficiency, DOC male entered directly to milling and to the mixed feed. "Cannibalism" among others that this has lead to genetic degradation, and had a role to trigger the creation of AI virus subtipe new.
But it's all not too egregious. Now, consumers seem less charming to see (or suspect) sausage (beef and chicken) nuggets (chicken), and kornet (cows), which is consumed, not from the actual flesh, but waste-rawhide bones. Animal house cutting waste and cutting poultry house waste, to form strong bones, cartilage, marrow, muscle, and a little meat still attached. Severity and separated the bones called MBM or meat and bone meal. This material is a mixture of cattle feed industry, including poultry.
Cartilage, muscle, marrow, meat, and meat and debone called meal (MDM). This is the first product to be a mixture of sausage industry, kornet, and nuggets. Now, the MDM be the main food plant. Especially in the chicken sausage. MDM is actually all poultry chicken waste grinding, because sekeras any chicken bones are very soft for a sausage and nuggets. We never told by Manufacturers Association of processed food meat (National Meat Association Producer = NAMPA), the actual contents of each of MDM and sausage nuggets. Do not-do not have 100 per cent.
Patterns such as cattle industry is already against the law of nature, as well as the law of God. Cattle and sheep herbivora original. In industry they are forced into modern karnivora, even cannibal. Birds eat seeds and sometimes insects and worms. But they did not cannibal. Even the eagle and the raven was never karnivora cannibal. But people have been forced into chickens and ducks cannibal. Moreover, DOC, chickling the new hatch is, must be re-grinding to be eaten by their parent-parent. This is more sadistic than the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Waste from the U.S.
Relatively intelligent people in the U.S. view the "irregularities" on this natural law. In addition to smart, they are rich. That's why they do not eat other parts of chicken, except breast meat. Skin, thigh meat, wing meat, liver, ampela, disantap taboo. Moreover, the head, neck, buttocks, and foot. All that must be removed. U.S. consumer agencies also tight to waste that can not offhand grinding and be feed. Mad cow case in the UK to make the U.S. more cautious people.
Where waste is still worth eating is removed? Of the country to which many residents and weak economy. The main target of the thigh and discard chicken wing is the PRC, India, and Indonesia. MDM results also grinding poultry waste disposed to developing countries and poor countries. For disposal facilities, large cities in developing countries are ready with the fast food restaurants and supermarkets. When levy sausage and chicken nuggets, mothers certainly never imagine, the main product is not flesh, but waste.
In fact the government should begin to strengthen the traditional agro-poultry farm duck as penyeimbang. Institutional livestock of the people is already very strong. Only the capital allocation and other facilities did not specific to them, not because they have a lot of the Combined Company in poultry Indonesia (Gappi). If the breeder ducks that have not even left the bulk government attention, no more chicken terperhatikan again. People should receive disaster resilient in Sodom and Gomorrah modern form of outbreaks of bird flu
Source: Kompas Friday 19 January 2007
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