Hermawan Kartajaya, the President of World Marketing Association, is one of the “50 Gurus Who Have Shaped The Future of Marketing” appointed by The Chartered Institute of Marketing, United Kingdom (CIM-UK).
He is a unique combination between a thinker of strategic business concept, particularly in marketing, and a practitioner. Complimented by his strong ambitions to enhance knowledge, he has becoming a sturdy consultant in his field.
“Hermawan Kartajaya is to Asian Marketing what Philip Kotler is to Global Marketing,” - Warren J. Keegan. The Indonesian-born Kartajaya has studied at the Universities of Glasgow and Surabaya, and attended many Executive programmes at Wharton, Harvard and Insead amongst others. He has also lectured widely, from Switzerland to Singapore. A Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), he was President of the Asia-Pacific Marketing Federation between 1998 and 2000.
In 2000, Kartajaya co-authored “Repositioning Asia: From Bubble to Sustainable Economy” with Philip Kotler. In it they analysed why the Asian crisis of 1997 occurred, and outlined what the governments and companies of the region could do to develop more sustainably in the future. Kartajaya’s expert analysis, in-depth knowledge, and strategic thinking, won him acclaim from many of his peers. Al Ries said of him “The positioning of Hermawan Kartajaya in marketing is unique. He is a combined ‘product’ of Western mind, Asia heart and Indonesian soul. Every company must get his advice.” 2002 saw him team up with Kotler again in their book “Rethinking Marketing: Sustainable Market-ing Enterprise.”
His latest international publication is “Attracting Investors: A Marketing Approach to Finding Funds For Your Business,” co-authored with Philip Kotler and S. David Young.
Since 2002 Kartajaya has been President of the World Marketing Association. He is also President of MarkPlus&Co, the Asia-based management consultancy firm that he founded in 1989.
He is the first Indonesian to enter the international league in marketing with his own models and received an acknowledgement from Prof. Philip Kotler, the world’s guru of marketing. He is also the one the few Asians who has been invited to give a speech in the American Marketing Association (AMA) Educators Conference.
• David Aaker• Tim Ambler• Simon Anholt
• Michael J Baker• Drayton Bird• Stephen Brown• Dave Chaffey• Hugh Davidson• Leslie De Chernatony• Mark Earls• Barry J Gibbons• Malcolm Gladwell
• Seth Godin• Dr. Evert Gummeson• Gary Hamel• Sam Hill• John Philip Jones• Hermawan Kartajaya• Bruce Kasanoff• Philip J Kitchen
• Naomi Klien• Ardi Kolah• Philip Kotler• Theodore Levitt• Martin Lindstorm• Steve Luengo-Jones• Malcolm McDonald• Regis McKenna• Frederick Newell
• Kenichi Ohmae• Stanley Paliwoda• Parasuraman• Don Peppers• Tom Peters• Nigel Piercy• John Quelch• Cees Van Riel• Al Ries
• Martha Rogers• Don E. Shultz• Peter Senge• Patricia B. Seybold• Jagdish N. Sheth• Rajendra Sisodia• Merlin Stone• David Taylor• Jack Trout
• Hugh Wilson• Yoram Wind• Sergio Zyman
Marketing Business is the Official Magazine of Chartered Institute of Marketing - United Kingdom.
For more information, log on to http://www.shapetheagenda.com
Publications authored by Hermawan Kartajaya:
International Books:
• Attracting Investors: A Marketing Approach to Finding Funds For Your Business, with Philip Kotler (Kellogg School of Management) and S. David Young (INSEAD), published by John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2004.• Rethinking Marketing: Sustainable Market-ing Enterprise in Asia, with Philip Kotler (Kellogg School of Management), Hooi Den Huan (Nanyang Business School) and Sandra Liu (Purdue University), published by Prentice Hall Asia, 2002. This book is launched at the University of Chicago Graduate Business School—Asian Campus, Singapore, September 2002. Currently, this book is being used as second textbook for Marketing Course at Nanyang Business School, Singapore. This book has been translated into several languages.• Repositioning Asia: From Bubble to Sustainable Economy, with Philip Kotler (Kellogg School of Management) and wholly supported by Andersen Consulting Asia Pacific, published by John Wiley & Sons, Singapore, 2000. This book was bestseller in Asia. This book has been translated into several languages.• “The 18 Guiding Principles of Marketing Company” in Warren J. Keegan (Pace University), Global Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1999.
• “The Strategic Marketing Plus 2000 Conceptual framework for Competitive Audit, Strategy Formulation and Capability Enhancement” in Warren J. Keegan (Pace University) and Mark C. Green (Simpson College), Principles of Global Marketing, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1997.
Other Books:
• Attracting Tourist, Traders & Investors, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 2005.• 4G Marketing: A 90-Year Journey in Creating Everlasting Brands, published by MarkPlus&Co, Jakarta, 2005. This book is about journey of HM Sampoerna of creating everlasting cigarette brands in Indonesia.• Aa Gym: A Spiritual Marketer, published by MarkPlus&Co, Jakarta, 2005.
• Winning the Mom Market in Indonesia, published by MarkPlus&Co, Jakarta, 2005.• Marketing in Venus Playbook Volume I, II, III, forthcoming publication by MarkPlus&Co, Jakarta, 2005.• Marketing in Venus: The Garuda Indonesia Story, published by MarkPlus&Co, Jakarta, 2005.• Metrosexuals in Venus, published by MarkPlus&Co, Jakarta, 2004.• Marketing Yourself, published by MarkPlus&Co, Jakarta, 2004.• Berbisnis dengan Hati (Compassionate Marketing), with K.H. Abdullah Gymnastiar (Aa Gym), published by MarkPlus&Co, Jakarta, 2004.
• Positioning Differentiation Brand, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 2004.• On Becoming a Customer-Centric Company, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 2004. This book is a about the transformation of PT Pos Indonesia of becoming the customer-centric company.• Hermawan Kartajaya on Positioning, published by Mizan Media Utama, Bandung, 2004.• Hermawan Kartajaya on Differentiation, published by Mizan Media Utama, Bandung, 2004.• Hermawan Kartajaya on Brand, published by Mizan Media Utama, Bandung, 2004.• Marketing in Venus, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Media, Jakarta, 2003. This book is a bestseller in Indonesia.• Hermawan Kartajaya on Marketing, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 2002.• MarkPlus on Strategy, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 2002.• Marketing Plus 2000, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 2001.
• Bridging the Network Company, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 1999. This book is about on the transformation of PT Pos Indonesia of becoming the network company.• Kiat Memenangkan Persaingan di Era Krisis (Winning in the Era of Crisis), published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 1998. • Siasat Bisnis: Menang dan Bertahan di Abad Asia Pasifik (Business Strategy: Winning and Sustaining in Asia Pacific), published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama in cooperation with Majalah Berita Mingguan Gatra, Jakarta, 1997.• Seri 36 Kasus Pemasaran Asli Indonesia: Rangkaian Strategi, Siasat, dan Taktik Jitu (Series of 36 Indonesia Business Cases: Strategy and Tactic), with Dyah Hasto Palupi, published by PT Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta. This series consist of 2 books.• Marketing Plus Series, published by Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta. This series consist of 5 books.
• Guest Editor, with Philip Kotler (Kellogg School of Management) and Karthik Siva (Global Brand Forum), Nanyang Business Review, Special Global Brand Forum edition 2004.• Guest Editor, with Philip Kotler (Kellogg School of Management), Nanyang Business Review, Vol. 2 No. 1, January-June 2003.
• “Only the Sustainable Succeed: Lessons from Asian Survivors”, Nanyang Business Review, Vol. 1 No. 1 January-June 2002, with Philip Kotler (Kellogg School of Management).• “Consumer Behavior in the Economic Crisis and Its Implication for Marketing Strategy”, Kelola Gadjah Mada University Business Review, No.18/VII/1998.• “Marketing Audit: Based on Strategic Marketing Plus 2000”, Kelola Gadjah Mada University Business Review, No.9/IV/1995.
He is a unique combination between a thinker of strategic business concept, particularly in marketing, and a practitioner. Complimented by his strong ambitions to enhance knowledge, he has becoming a sturdy consultant in his field.
“Hermawan Kartajaya is to Asian Marketing what Philip Kotler is to Global Marketing,” - Warren J. Keegan. The Indonesian-born Kartajaya has studied at the Universities of Glasgow and Surabaya, and attended many Executive programmes at Wharton, Harvard and Insead amongst others. He has also lectured widely, from Switzerland to Singapore. A Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), he was President of the Asia-Pacific Marketing Federation between 1998 and 2000.
In 2000, Kartajaya co-authored “Repositioning Asia: From Bubble to Sustainable Economy” with Philip Kotler. In it they analysed why the Asian crisis of 1997 occurred, and outlined what the governments and companies of the region could do to develop more sustainably in the future. Kartajaya’s expert analysis, in-depth knowledge, and strategic thinking, won him acclaim from many of his peers. Al Ries said of him “The positioning of Hermawan Kartajaya in marketing is unique. He is a combined ‘product’ of Western mind, Asia heart and Indonesian soul. Every company must get his advice.” 2002 saw him team up with Kotler again in their book “Rethinking Marketing: Sustainable Market-ing Enterprise.”
His latest international publication is “Attracting Investors: A Marketing Approach to Finding Funds For Your Business,” co-authored with Philip Kotler and S. David Young.
Since 2002 Kartajaya has been President of the World Marketing Association. He is also President of MarkPlus&Co, the Asia-based management consultancy firm that he founded in 1989.
He is the first Indonesian to enter the international league in marketing with his own models and received an acknowledgement from Prof. Philip Kotler, the world’s guru of marketing. He is also the one the few Asians who has been invited to give a speech in the American Marketing Association (AMA) Educators Conference.
• David Aaker• Tim Ambler• Simon Anholt
• Michael J Baker• Drayton Bird• Stephen Brown• Dave Chaffey• Hugh Davidson• Leslie De Chernatony• Mark Earls• Barry J Gibbons• Malcolm Gladwell
• Seth Godin• Dr. Evert Gummeson• Gary Hamel• Sam Hill• John Philip Jones• Hermawan Kartajaya• Bruce Kasanoff• Philip J Kitchen
• Naomi Klien• Ardi Kolah• Philip Kotler• Theodore Levitt• Martin Lindstorm• Steve Luengo-Jones• Malcolm McDonald• Regis McKenna• Frederick Newell
• Kenichi Ohmae• Stanley Paliwoda• Parasuraman• Don Peppers• Tom Peters• Nigel Piercy• John Quelch• Cees Van Riel• Al Ries
• Martha Rogers• Don E. Shultz• Peter Senge• Patricia B. Seybold• Jagdish N. Sheth• Rajendra Sisodia• Merlin Stone• David Taylor• Jack Trout
• Hugh Wilson• Yoram Wind• Sergio Zyman
Marketing Business is the Official Magazine of Chartered Institute of Marketing - United Kingdom.
For more information, log on to http://www.shapetheagenda.com
Publications authored by Hermawan Kartajaya:
International Books:
• Attracting Investors: A Marketing Approach to Finding Funds For Your Business, with Philip Kotler (Kellogg School of Management) and S. David Young (INSEAD), published by John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2004.• Rethinking Marketing: Sustainable Market-ing Enterprise in Asia, with Philip Kotler (Kellogg School of Management), Hooi Den Huan (Nanyang Business School) and Sandra Liu (Purdue University), published by Prentice Hall Asia, 2002. This book is launched at the University of Chicago Graduate Business School—Asian Campus, Singapore, September 2002. Currently, this book is being used as second textbook for Marketing Course at Nanyang Business School, Singapore. This book has been translated into several languages.• Repositioning Asia: From Bubble to Sustainable Economy, with Philip Kotler (Kellogg School of Management) and wholly supported by Andersen Consulting Asia Pacific, published by John Wiley & Sons, Singapore, 2000. This book was bestseller in Asia. This book has been translated into several languages.• “The 18 Guiding Principles of Marketing Company” in Warren J. Keegan (Pace University), Global Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1999.
• “The Strategic Marketing Plus 2000 Conceptual framework for Competitive Audit, Strategy Formulation and Capability Enhancement” in Warren J. Keegan (Pace University) and Mark C. Green (Simpson College), Principles of Global Marketing, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1997.
Other Books:
• Attracting Tourist, Traders & Investors, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 2005.• 4G Marketing: A 90-Year Journey in Creating Everlasting Brands, published by MarkPlus&Co, Jakarta, 2005. This book is about journey of HM Sampoerna of creating everlasting cigarette brands in Indonesia.• Aa Gym: A Spiritual Marketer, published by MarkPlus&Co, Jakarta, 2005.
• Winning the Mom Market in Indonesia, published by MarkPlus&Co, Jakarta, 2005.• Marketing in Venus Playbook Volume I, II, III, forthcoming publication by MarkPlus&Co, Jakarta, 2005.• Marketing in Venus: The Garuda Indonesia Story, published by MarkPlus&Co, Jakarta, 2005.• Metrosexuals in Venus, published by MarkPlus&Co, Jakarta, 2004.• Marketing Yourself, published by MarkPlus&Co, Jakarta, 2004.• Berbisnis dengan Hati (Compassionate Marketing), with K.H. Abdullah Gymnastiar (Aa Gym), published by MarkPlus&Co, Jakarta, 2004.
• Positioning Differentiation Brand, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 2004.• On Becoming a Customer-Centric Company, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 2004. This book is a about the transformation of PT Pos Indonesia of becoming the customer-centric company.• Hermawan Kartajaya on Positioning, published by Mizan Media Utama, Bandung, 2004.• Hermawan Kartajaya on Differentiation, published by Mizan Media Utama, Bandung, 2004.• Hermawan Kartajaya on Brand, published by Mizan Media Utama, Bandung, 2004.• Marketing in Venus, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Media, Jakarta, 2003. This book is a bestseller in Indonesia.• Hermawan Kartajaya on Marketing, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 2002.• MarkPlus on Strategy, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 2002.• Marketing Plus 2000, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 2001.
• Bridging the Network Company, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 1999. This book is about on the transformation of PT Pos Indonesia of becoming the network company.• Kiat Memenangkan Persaingan di Era Krisis (Winning in the Era of Crisis), published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 1998. • Siasat Bisnis: Menang dan Bertahan di Abad Asia Pasifik (Business Strategy: Winning and Sustaining in Asia Pacific), published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama in cooperation with Majalah Berita Mingguan Gatra, Jakarta, 1997.• Seri 36 Kasus Pemasaran Asli Indonesia: Rangkaian Strategi, Siasat, dan Taktik Jitu (Series of 36 Indonesia Business Cases: Strategy and Tactic), with Dyah Hasto Palupi, published by PT Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta. This series consist of 2 books.• Marketing Plus Series, published by Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta. This series consist of 5 books.
• Guest Editor, with Philip Kotler (Kellogg School of Management) and Karthik Siva (Global Brand Forum), Nanyang Business Review, Special Global Brand Forum edition 2004.• Guest Editor, with Philip Kotler (Kellogg School of Management), Nanyang Business Review, Vol. 2 No. 1, January-June 2003.
• “Only the Sustainable Succeed: Lessons from Asian Survivors”, Nanyang Business Review, Vol. 1 No. 1 January-June 2002, with Philip Kotler (Kellogg School of Management).• “Consumer Behavior in the Economic Crisis and Its Implication for Marketing Strategy”, Kelola Gadjah Mada University Business Review, No.18/VII/1998.• “Marketing Audit: Based on Strategic Marketing Plus 2000”, Kelola Gadjah Mada University Business Review, No.9/IV/1995.
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